Regulatory Disclosure


Climate Risk Disclosure

We acknowledge that climate change is emerging as a major driving factor affecting long term resilience in the industry and the global economy. Thereby, this creates an urgent need to accelerate the transition towards a net-zero economy. While climate change poses a systemic and unprecedented risk to the global economy, the impacts on specific markets, regions, communities, and investments are complex, dynamic, and uncertain.

As an SFC licensed corporation, we take our fiduciary responsibility to consider and disclose all material factors that may impact the risk-adjusted returns of our investments, including climate-related financial risks and opportunities. 

As an investor in the global economy, the scale and multi-faceted nature of climate change presents a systemic risk to our portfolio. Climate change impacts investors like us in two main ways:

  • Physical impacts (e.g. wildfires, extreme weather, sea-level rise, drought) can affect our fixed assets (e.g. real estate) and disrupt portfolio companies' supply chains and operations. Climate change's acute and chronic physical impacts can affect people's health, food security, migration, water supply, and other ecosystem services in ways that could bring heightened volatility to financial markets and harm economic growth.

  • Transition risks, or shifts in policies, technologies, industries, and customers, due to changed climate norms or movement toward a lower-carbon economy can affect the financial success of existing business models and industries. Our portfolio companies' long-term success depends on the degree to which they can successfully navigate the transition.

In light of the above, having considered our investment portfolio, investment horizon, risk and return profile, frequency of trading, investment scope and type, trading pattern, investment universe, etc., we are currently of the view that our investments have no direct potent impact of relevant climate-related risks on our investments. Nonetheless, we will continue to monitor the investment portfolio on this front regularly to ensure compliance with the Hong Kong SFC’s related requirements on management and disclosure of climate-related risks by fund managers. 

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 

Harmony Advisors Limited

Disclaimer: This disclosure statement is intended to provide information to stakeholders and by its nature may involve risk and uncertainty. This document may contain forward-looking statements. Any statements that may express forecasts, expectations and projections are not guarantees of future performance given the current uncertainties on this front.